Tuesday, February 5, 2008

chair possibilities

So I have to confess that I was quite inspired by some of the chair projects accomplished during AT's January Jumpstart competition, so inspired that I've been trolling Craigslist looking for possibilities. Of course, the last thing in the world I need is another project, yet I find myself irresistibly drawn to chairs. I'm blaming Lorijo- she's obviously a bad influence!

Here are two I'm looking at right now on Craigslist.
Photobucket Photobucket

I like the lines of the hideous fruit chair but obviously the fabric must go immediately making this a potentially more problematic project. I'm going to see the orange chair tomorrow after work- I would eventually want to change the pillows, but that could obviously be more of a long term project. Both chairs are under $40 which is a decent price point for a project chair.



Alana in Canada said...

I love the hideous friut chair. How hard would it be to re-cover?

drwende said...

Neither look like no-brainers to reupholster, so I'd go for Hideous Fruit Chair. Love the shape.

Mella DP said...

I like the lines of fruit chair too. First thought was that orange chair would be easier, but I'm not really sure on consideration. Can't really see the construction that clearly on either.

WPZ - Sandy said...

I actually like the fruit chair as is, but I must be totally loony!