Thursday, November 3, 2011

12 day vacation ahead!


Between the Eid al-Adha holiday and the Veteran’s Day long weekend, today is the first day of a 10 day vacation from work; add in the 2 extra days I’m taking and I’ve got a nice little 12 day holiday ahead.  I’m heading to Paris to meet my mom and aunt on Monday night; until them I’m holding down the fort for work (we always need coverage in country even when the office is closed).  Brad is already home in Iowa so I have the house to myself, and- as usual- I have a list of projects I hope to get done before I head out of town.

I want to clean out the two guest rooms, boxing up the last of the welcome kit to return to work and getting rid of the stacks of empty cardboard boxes from my mail-order addiction.  I need to always have a few boxes on hand to mail stuff out, but the current stock is excessive.  I want to open up and unpack the last few boxes that were shipped here from DC last year.  I’m pretty sure I don’t need the contents since I have done so well without them, but you never know.  At the very least, I should be able to get rid of some stuff.

I’m giving myself today to lounge around, read a book, and generally be lazy because the last couple of weeks at work have been tiring.  Tomorrow, I’m determined to tackle the big back bedroom- I’ll take before and after pictures to help keep me accountable. 

Unrelatedly, do you like my newest side table pictured above?  He is the cutest camel ever with lovely big feet.  I named him Mustafa.  My husband is a bit worried I’m naming the furniture, but really I ask how anyone could resist naming this little guy?  If I start naming the couch, well then that might be a sign I’m teetering on the edge…


scb said...

Enjoy your time off!

Of *course* you had to name your camel side table! He is the most delightful side table I have ever seen! (Naming the couch might, however, be going a little far. Although if I had a couch I'd be tempted to name it Potato...)

Emma In Edmonton said...
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Alana in Canada said...

Not naming that charming character would be a crime. Such a face! Looking forward to your before and afters